The SPCT is always pleased to engage with our community and address their inquiries regarding thier Pavilion. Over time, we have encountered several common questions, which we believe would be beneficial to update our community, especially for village newcomers or maybe those unfamiliar with your Pavilion's management.
Who owns the Strathpeffer Pavilion and Spa Estate ?
One frequent question pertains to the ownership of the Strathpeffer Pavilion and Spa estate surrounding the pavilion . The answer, particularly for residents of Strathpeffer or those residing within the IV14 postal code area, is quite straightforward: you own it.
So who owns the SPCT organization and what does it do ?
The Strathpeffer Pavilion Community Trust (SPCT) is a Scottish registered charity established and collectively owned by the community. It operates with three primary objectives:
Preservation of Ownership and Long-term Sustainability: The SPCT is dedicated to safeguarding the ownership of the Pavilion for the community's benefit, ensuring its continued viability for future generations.
Maintenance and Enhancement of Community Assets: A core focus of the SPCT is the diligent upkeep and improvement of the Pavilion and its associated amenities, aiming to optimize their value and utility for the community and wider highlands .
Preservation and Protection of Heritage: The SPCT is committed to conserving and protecting the historical significance and cultural heritage embodied by the Pavilion's structure and surrounding grounds, thereby honoring its legacy within the community.
What does Highlife Highland have to do with the SPCT and the Pavilion ?
The Pavilion is proudly operated by High Life Highland under a subcontracted partnership agreement with the SPCT.
In summary -the SPCT holds the responsibility of ownership and oversight of the Pavilion, playing a pivotal role in its enhancement, maintenance, and development, while also safeguarding its heritage as a custodian representing the community's interests. Meanwhile, High Life Highland assumes the role of managing the Pavilion's day-to-day operations, delivering a fantastic diverse range of services and activities for the community's welfare under the terms of their subcontracted partnership agreement with the SPCT.
This collaborative partnership fosters an integrated team approach to ensure the ongoing operation and service provision of the Pavilion, leveraging the combined expertise and resources of both entities for the collective benefit of the community.
Does Highlife Highland Manage the maintenance and upkeep of the grounds and pumphouse?
High Life Highland's operational agreement solely pertains to the Pavilion itself. The sole responsibility for the upkeep and management of the three-acre estate and pumphouse lies with the SPCT estate manager and the voluntary garden group team.
How is the trust financed?
The SPCT is primarily financed through its commercial fundraising concerts, which are held annually. We organize approximately seven concerts each year, and all proceeds generated from these events are reinvested directly into the maintenance and renovation of the Pavilion and its estate. It is worth noting that the trust rarely applies for grants, as we find the process to be time-consuming and resource-intensive, detracting from our core mission and activities.
Are the charity's accounts available to the public?
Absolutely. The foundation of the SPCT was established with the primary objective of being open and transparent with its community and members. We take pride in keeping everyone well-informed about our continued progress and financial status. Accounts can be obtained online through the OSCAR charity regulator site. Our registration number is CS004086.
Have a question about your pavilion or spa estate ?
drop us an email to Info@spctteam.com and a member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.